Monday, September 26, 2011


Its a few months since I've blogged and I apologize for not giving my frequent readers a little insight into The Brumble's household. Brian and I both are in a learning process of give and take. I'm learning to lean on him more and more each day. I had a breaking point a few weeks ago and told him, "I need more help from him." I think it threw him off guard, because I handle everything in our household except the job of a paying paycheck. However, I was running on empty and needed him to step up and help without me having to always ask. If the baby is screaming and I'm doing something else, pick him up. If the baby needs another bottle, make it. If the babies diaper is dirty, change it. I don't expect him to read my mind, but I do expect him to think outside the box sometimes. We have now put planning to work. I plan out what I want him to do and then he has a little direction of what I want from him. It's a learning process, but we're making it. Like I said before, "It's give and take in our household." He's learning, and everyone I've asked advice from says their husbands are the same way. Knowing that I'm not the only crazy mother/wife out there let me relax just a little.


Little Andrew is 4 months old. Parenthood has hit a milestone. Austin was 3 months old when he passed away, so all the changes and learning skills Andrew is developing daily brings us all to the questions of "what if," but that's another blog worth sharing in a few more days...... hopefully. :)
