Sunday, March 6, 2011

28 weeks

I have finally approached the 3rd Tri-mester. Baby boy is growing leaps and bounds, and so is my figure. My appetite has gotten bigger and I'm seeing my clothes start to get tighter. Yes, I know its all suppose to happen this way, but I'm a crazy health nut and love a good long intense workout. However, with all the belly growth, pulling of muscles in the lower abdominal, braxton-hicks contractions, and sciatic pain, I'm having to turn the intensity level down and listen to my body. So, now my exercise workouts consist of slow walks and light weights. Boring I know, but only 12 weeks to go before we meet Little Boy Brumble and then a few weeks of recovery, and its back to my regular hi-intensity runs/walks. And I can not wait, because it will all be done with my sweet little boy. One of the few little things he will get to experience with me, that his older brother Austin got to do too. Mommy and her boys! Angel in my heart, new little buddy in my belly. Come on May 27th I'm ready!